**Product Description:**
Our n8n automated workflow system categorizes and prioritizes IT tickets, assigns them to the right team, and drafts response emails using AI. This efficient system boosts the team’s productivity by enabling them to focus on resolving issues rather than on manual ticket classification and response drafting.
**Workflow Steps:**
🎫 **Receive Tickets:**
– Configure the `Webhook` node to accept JSON payloads containing ticket data from a ticketing system like Zendesk or Jira.
🔍 **Filter Tickets:**
– Ensure only new or updated tickets are processed by using the `IF` node.
🔢 **Extract Ticket Data:**
– Parse the data from the webhook using the `Function` node to retrieve key information.
📋 **Categorize Tickets:**
– Classify the ticket using the `HTTP Request` node to send the ticket details to an NLP service API like OpenAI’s GPT.
⚡ **Prioritize Tickets:**
– Assign priority using an AI service by sending ticket details with a custom prompt.
🎯 **Assign Tickets:**
– Route tickets to the appropriate internal team based on their category with the `Switch` node.
📝 **Draft Response:**
– Use the `Set` node and an `HTTP Request` node to create an initial response draft using AI.
💾 **Save Data:**
– Use the `Postgres` node to store the ticket details and response draft in a SQL database.
📧 **Send Draft Responses:**
– Use the `Send Email` node to send the response draft to the assigned IT staff for review.
🔔 **Notify on High Priority Tickets:**
– If a ticket is marked as high priority, notify team leads instantly with the `Telegram` or `Twilio` node.
🔄 **Scheduled Review Trigger:**
– Periodically review the system’s efficiency, response times, and classification accuracy with the `Cron` node.
🔄 **Feedback Loop:**
– Set up a feedback system for the IT staff to comment on the accuracy of the AI triage and responses, feeding this back into the AI for continuous learning & improvement.
🔍 **Complex Query Resolution:**
– Run a similarity search on complex queries against a reference knowledge database using Pinecone.
**API Integrations and Tools:**
– Ticketing system API (Zendesk/Jira)
– OpenAI API
– PostgreSQL for data storage
– SendGrid or SMTP for email
– Telegram Bot API or Twilio API for instant messaging
– Pinecone API